Works Available

An artist with a love of things “not of this earth”, Karen has built an international reputation for her handmade mystical pottery. Never have dragons seemed more real – and friendly – or mermaids so accurately observed!
Karen has now been working on her range of equine and other animal sculptures for the past few years or so and finds them a fabulous way of expressing her love of movement and energy. ( measurements may alter slightly for each piece)
Her own animals are her main source of input along with rousing music and the great outdoors. “ I really try to capture, in some of my horses at least, a sense of pent up energy and desire to run free that most of us have felt at some time……” Karen’s works are painstakingly built one at a time. She receives commissions from the US, Germany and Holland; indeed one noted Hollywood actress is a collector. Available in Steam Gallery.
A representative selection of Karen’s work is shown here. Please contact the gallery with any specific request and to check availability. Some pieces can be ordered if currently out of stock.